Friday, September 17, 2010

Disney World - Screw Micky!

I have kind of figured that Mickey Mouse and his friends at the Disney World and Disney Land is big in large parts of the world. Even I grew up reading his magazines, saw him in most toy stores and watched him on TV - but only on Christmas Eve. Hey, for us Swedes born in the 70's at least, we only saw him on television during Christmas, that was about the only time you could see Mickey and his friends and we got a whole hour of him. If you did´t have a VCR and could record it - than you could watch in all the time. But in my family we didn´t have a VCR (probably because my parents saw it not to be a fit activity for kids to watch too much television - and maybe that is the true to some extent). But for us Swedes, we all know what happens on Christmas eve at 3 p.m. in Sweden.

Today when I have children of my own and I have with the same excitement looked forward to the 3 p.m event on this special day, but my kids don´t show the same excitement.. wonder why? Maybe they just watch too much television today, get too much exposure and therefor things I longed for, things I could not have everyday is just not exciting for them. And today one just need a computer to travel across the world and get the same excitement every day 24/7 compared to my experience of once a year for an hour.

Any way, off we went toward Florida which is about an 8 hour drive and our kids did so great and was exited to see Mickey and his home. My four year old said he was going to give all of them a great big hug. My 7 year old was more reserved thought the whole thing and thought hugging was cheesy.

Upon arrival late at night the excitement went up and we checked in at one of the Disney Resorts - All Star Music Resort. I felt I was a small person walking around among all these big instrument displayed all over our resort. The kids fell in love with the pool. But said that we have a pool at home and we should not spend our time in this when we are going to visit Mickey.

Staying at a Resort is convenient and buses takes you to what ever park you like to visit, because there is several of them here in Disney World. We had decided to stay 3 nights and spend 3 days in different parks - Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Sea world (last one is not a Disney park). On the bus on our way to Animal Kingdom I got into a conversation with a lady from the great lakes and her family and when we said we only where going to be here for 3 days, she acted all surprised that we did not spend a longer period of time, which you need if you like to see the whole thing... She told me however that this is their third time and they stay for 7 days each time. That comment got me to raise my eye brow and wondered all by my self if there isn´t more places on this planet to visit and see than Walt Disney world, considering the short amount of vacation Americans have each year. But for them who like to do something different each year on their vacation, but go to the same place for the convenience you can do basically anything you like here at the Disney World... Conferences, kids vacation, things for the guys, and the girls, grandma and grandpa, see the world through Disney's eyes and even get married and spend you honeymoon here among Mickey and his friends

Sometime I wonder if the adults excitement of what we have met and experienced as growing up (Mickey is part of that for many) is trying to spill it over to our children too. Well my dear 7 year old she does like to inherit my likings or thoughts of Mickey and his friends. When we arrived she was at first very exited and she of the two of them got into the pictures together with the cartoons, but where as my 4 year old who wanted to give them all the great hug, was kind of reserved. But once the two of them got into the carrousel hysteria, my seven year old said - "screw Mickey" - I want to have fun on the rides instead of standing in line to get our pictures taken with the great cartoon mom was grown up with. (this is the reason we have no picture of Mickey himself). Bye bye Mickey!

The sum of our trip. Thank you for the visit, but we will probably not come back. For many reasons. Our kids have too much exposure of you through internet, tv, magazines .. so meeting the cartoons is just not exiting. But the rides were fun, and the kids loved it, the stage setting and all the care of every details in these parks are just amazing. But paying 656 dollars for two days on the rides is a little bit too expensive and the food too was way off - 50 dollars for fast food. Also, our kids could care less of the stage setting. That is for us adults to notice and for me (personal opinion) it is kind of is cheesy to visit and dressing up in Mickey Mouse cloths, hats and other souvenirs which lots of the adults visiting the parks do. . Well, That is just not me... I'll watch my Mickey on the television instead - see you Christmas 2011.

More pictures will be posted shortly!

1 comment:

  1. Vad kul att få höra om eran resa till Disney World. Jag tycker att det gott räcker att vara där en gång. Jag skulle inte heller åka flera gånger eller vara där en hel vecka i sträck. Jag tycker att ni gjorde precis lagom. Man orkar inte gå i olika parker en hel vecka och som du också tar upp blir det lätt väldigt dyrt. Vi var där och besökte två parker, Magic Kingdom och Animal Kingdom. Gillade båda två mycket fast jag tror att min favorit var Animal Kingdom. Tyckte Safari riden var hur häftig som helst. Men jag tycker nog att parkerna riktar sig lika mycket till vuxna som till barn. Så ni bilade alltså hela vägen ned, det var inte dåligt. Tog det inte längre än 8 timmar alltså? Wow, ni måste kört på ganska bra. Vi valde faktiskt att flyga ner till Orlando med South West. Det var himla smidigt. Men visst funkar det bra med bussarna ut till parkerna så slipper man oroa sig över parkering och betala dyra pengar för det också.
    KRam och trevlig helg.
